
Our Mission at Smart With Debt

Smart with Debt strives to:

  • Help you pay the LEAST amount of interest to banks and put more money in your pockets.
  • Take back what belongs to you: Your money and the choice to use it however you want.
  • Help you manage your debt with simple, verifiable math that gives you numbers you can TRUST!
  • Choose your future: Retirement, traveling, investing—it’s your life, your money, your choice.

This isn’t just about finances and math. It’s about your future. When you’re ready to chat, contact us!

5 Questions To Ask Before You Refinance Your Home

Do you ever get the feeling a bank or mortgage company isn’t telling you the whole story? That, perhaps, refinancing isn’t the best option for you, even though they say it is?

Before you take a bank’s word for it, ponder these 5 questions about refinancing your home:

  1. How much more will it cost/save you over the life of the new loan compared to where you’re currently at?
  2. What’s better: A new second mortgage, a new first mortgage, or doing nothing at all?
  3. What term or pay down is your breakeven point from your current debt payouts?
  4. What happens if you put all the savings into the new mortgage? How much will you save over the life of the loan?
  5. What happens if you save all the new savings?

We’re here to guide you through these questions and decide what’s best for you. Ready to chat? Contact Us to get started!

Refinance 101

Has the term “refinance” always confused you? Or perhaps you think you know what it is, but don’t know the whole picture? Well, here’s a great article that explains what you need to know about this important homeowner term.



4 Smart Reasons to Refinance

When is it smart to refinance? Check out these 4 reasons.

Refinance Tips: How to Avoid Extra Debt

Did you know your decision to refinance can bury you in extra debt? The small monthly savings you gain can actually cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars AND add years to your payments.

Can you really afford that? Wouldn’t you rather enjoy your hard-earned money?

So, when does it make sense to refinance? The answer is simple: It’s all based on easy, verifiable math that gives you numbers you can TRUST!

Ready to check your numbers and take control of YOUR future? Contact us today!