
The Big Bad Collector

We’ve all been there. We get a call or a letter from a collection agency demanding we pay an overdue bill.

Right. Now!

Let’s face it, collection companies are the worst! They hound and hound us until they get what they want: our money.

And, well, that’s their job, so we can’t get too upset with them…right?

Although it’s tempting to hide from these “baddies,” it’s also smart to cooperate with them. A paid collection helps improve your credit score, but a collection that disappears completely does wonders for it.

But, wait. Before you run off to pay your collector(s), read our collection tips first. Download our book or visit to learn more.

How Fast Can You Improve Your Credit Score?

Have you ever wondered how fast you can improve your credit score? Most cleaning credit companies would like you to think it takes 1-2 years, but that’s not true.

Realistically, you can improve your credit score in 3-6 months (not years). All it takes is:

  • Understanding the mistakes you made and the traps you fell into early in life.
  • Having an income to support a new loan.
  • Learning how to use a broader product mix, more aggressive underwriting, and companies who actually take on extra risks.

We truly believe we can teach you how to negotiate your debt, and how to do it right.

And how to do it fast!

Motivational Monday – Adversity

Friday Fun – Waiting for Approval

Before you buy your first home

Before you buy your first home, check out these nine first time homebuyer mistakes: