
What the Heck Is a Credit Score

What the heck is a credit score, anyway?

Essentially, your credit score helps lenders decide if they can trust you. Can you pay them back? Are you worth the risk? If so, how much should they charge you in interest? Think of it like your GPA in high school; the higher, the better. You’ll be given more opportunities and face less rejection.

Easy enough, right?

Ready to chat about your debt and how you can take control of it? Contact us today!

Monday Motivation – Hopes and Fears

How To Get the Best Mortgage Rates

Are you trying to figure out how to get the best mortgage rate possible? Here are some key tricks from Forbes.

Our Mission at Smart With Debt

Smart with Debt strives to:

  • Help you pay the LEAST amount of interest to banks and put more money in your pockets.
  • Take back what belongs to you: Your money and the choice to use it however you want.
  • Help you manage your debt with simple, verifiable math that gives you numbers you can TRUST!
  • Choose your future: Retirement, traveling, investing—it’s your life, your money, your choice.

This isn’t just about finances and math. It’s about your future. When you’re ready to chat, contact us!