
Credit Matters More Than Ever

Credit has mattered for many years, but now it matters more than ever. Find out why with this article from CSR!

Credit Pitfall: High balance on a small credit card

One of the biggest credit pitfalls people fall into is when they have a high balance on a small credit card. For example:

You have a $500 credit card and charge $400 on it. When creditors see you’re using 80% of your available credit, they mark you as HIGH risk. Now, let’s say you have a $1,000 credit card and charge $400 to it. Guess what? You’re no longer a risk because you’re only using 40% of your credit instead of 80%. To creditors, this means you’re a responsible, savvy, frugal adult.

Go you!

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Do you think credit is out of reach?

Do you think credit is out of reach? Guess what? It’s not. Even if you don’t have any credit, you can still get credit. There are people out there who have a total credit score of zero. In fact, almost 11% of Americans either do not have credit or have too little credit to score. But, it’s always available. You just have to work for it.

To learn more credit strategies, and how you can get a mortgage when the bank says no, go to

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