Do you think credit is out of reach?

Do you think credit is out of reach? Guess what? It’s not. Even if you don’t have any credit, you can still get credit. There are people out there who have a total credit score of zero. In fact, almost 11% of Americans either do not have credit or have too little credit to score. But, it’s always available. You just have to work for it.

To learn more credit strategies, and how you can get a mortgage when the bank says no, go to

Are You Thinking About Buying Your Dream Home?

Before you think about buying your dream home, check out this article from Business Insider.

What the Heck is a Credit Score

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What the heck is a credit score, anyway?

Essentially, your credit score helps lenders decide if they can trust you. Can you pay them back? Are you worth the risk? If so, how much should they charge you in interest? Think of it like your GPA in high school; the higher, the better. You’ll be given more opportunities and face less rejection.

Easy enough, right?

To learn more about credit, and how you can get a mortgage when the bank says no, go to

Greetings from the team at Smart with Debt

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So, you might be wondering who we are. Well, first and foremost, we’re here to teach, support, and mentor you through the mortgage process, especially if you have poor credit.

We know.



It’s okay. We understand most people don’t get a kick out of talking about credit scores, mortgages, or other financial topics. That’s why we’re going to have fun and keep things as easy as possible. Because, as dreary as finance can be, it’s important to understand so you can make the most of your future.

So, stay tuned! We’ve got all kinds of advice, tips, and opportunities to send your way and set you on the path to the future you desire. Why? Because, we genuinely believe you deserve to live the life you envision for yourself, no matter what your credit history may be.